the unsinkable molly brown -- my other favorite person part 1
molly tobin brown was born in the town of hannibal. she was a hillbilly. actually, that's just what i call her. she was really just a poor immigrant. she was born on july 18, 1867. molly really wanted to read and write. in the musical about her life most of the story isn't true to her life, but the lyrics about wanting to read are close.

i'm going to learn to read and write.
i'm going to see what there is to see.
if you're going nowhere on the road to somewhere
if you meet somebody you know it's me. (i think this is how it goes. . .)
i'm going to move from place to place.
find a house with a golden stair.
and if that house is red with a big brass bed
i'm gonna live there.
but she didn't really sing in real life. she went to a town called leadville and met james joseph brown. they fell in love but she really wanted to marry a rich man and be really wealthy. but she married him and said she'd be better off with a poor man because she loved him and didn't care about being rich. they went back to hannibal after awhile because molly was pregnant. they had a baby boy. they named him lawrence. i think that's what his name was. he was born september 1, 1886. no, that was the date she was married. sorry. lawrence was born, yeah, his name was lawrence palmer brown. he was born september 13, 1887. his nickname was larry. so they moved back to leadville and had another child, katherine ellen brown. nickname: helen. she was born july 1, 1889.
after that and a few years of marriage they struck gold. the biggest gold strike in america.

look forward to part two: a home in denver
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