swing your partner
i ride with a friend, cara, and her sister, emily. and ben, my brother. this last time we went to this, i think it was kind of like an old, abandoned boy scout camp because it had this little cabin.
there are these two old ladies that look like they were teenagers in the 1930's because they had these little dresses like the lady pictured below.

the ladies were dancing together all of the time. they were having a real good time. one of the ladies was my "neighbor" during one of the dances. she had these long fingernail, real long. and everytime she took my hand she would squeeze it and stick her fingernail straight into my skin. and after me and my partner got on the very end i started laughing and looking at the hole in my hand. i don't know which hand it was now.
i don't know. there are a lot of people to dance with. once i went to a barn dance and danced with this lady whose hand was so sweaty that we were hold hands for part of it and as soon as we let go i had to wipe my hands on my pants. sick. there was another lady one time whose hands were so cold that a chill went up and down my spine. i'm serious. it was so cold.
pretty girls to dance with. there aren't many. most of the girls dance together for most of the dances. i don't know why. i don't. there's a girl i used to dance with who wore high heels and fell down all of the time. then she took her shoes off and danced barefoot. she was pretty.