Friday, May 20, 2005

swing your partner

i ride with a friend, cara, and her sister, emily. and ben, my brother. this last time we went to this, i think it was kind of like an old, abandoned boy scout camp because it had this little cabin.

there are these two old ladies that look like they were teenagers in the 1930's because they had these little dresses like the lady pictured below.

the ladies were dancing together all of the time. they were having a real good time. one of the ladies was my "neighbor" during one of the dances. she had these long fingernail, real long. and everytime she took my hand she would squeeze it and stick her fingernail straight into my skin. and after me and my partner got on the very end i started laughing and looking at the hole in my hand. i don't know which hand it was now.

i don't know. there are a lot of people to dance with. once i went to a barn dance and danced with this lady whose hand was so sweaty that we were hold hands for part of it and as soon as we let go i had to wipe my hands on my pants. sick. there was another lady one time whose hands were so cold that a chill went up and down my spine. i'm serious. it was so cold.

pretty girls to dance with. there aren't many. most of the girls dance together for most of the dances. i don't know why. i don't. there's a girl i used to dance with who wore high heels and fell down all of the time. then she took her shoes off and danced barefoot. she was pretty.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

sink me!

i don't how i got obsessed with it -- it just happened. i've been studying everything about the Titanic. books, movies, photos, blueprints, the internet.

i've looked up nearly every survivor. on the passenger list is listed "the unsinkable Molly Brown" who married a guy and they struck it rich. Molly Brown left her husband and went to Paris. i think. later she got on the Titanic to go home back to him. Molly Brown survived by getting into the 16th life boat. she threatened to throw the only man off of the life boat because he wouldn't let the women row.

Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Aster were going from Egypt to Paris, and later to the Titanic. Mrs. Aster was pregnant. She was Mr. Aster's second wife, the second Mrs. Aster (her husband was divorced to the first Mrs. Aster). She got into the lifeboat by putting a deck chair over the A-Promenade window. then she slid into the lifeboat because she was five months pregnant. when Mr. Aster sank with the Titanic he left his pregnant wife and son. i don't know if he had other kids. his son came out of the white star line office and hid his tears by covering his face with his hands.

maybe this is the view Molly Brown and Mrs. Aster saw from their life boats.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

napoleon dynamite and the titanic

i did this thing on the internet, this quiz to see who you are from napoleon dynamite.

i was napoleon. i thought this was really funny that i was able to choose everything that napoleon would do, too.

i was told about napoleon dynamite by a friend of mine. he had seen it like five times already.

i am like napoleon because i like to draw. instead of drawing ligers i draw detailed drawings of the sinking titanic.

i tape together paper models of the titanic. i made a grand staircase just this afternoon. the thing falls over if it is not propped up against the wall or the side of the piano.

i am also working on a to-scale model of the titanic with my dad in the basement.