introducing the family: my adorable cat

i am going to talk about my adorable cat. i usually talk baby talk to him. it's all he understands.
my sister was at camp in ohio and the camp janitor was going to drown this little, teeny, rowdy kitten. maybe it was biting or scratching him. my sister saved him. she and he-who-will-not-be-named (old skinny boyfriend) drove him from ohio to illinois. when she got home she begged my dad to let us keep the cute little adorable cat. with all of her girlish charm she convinced my dad, who rolled his eyes and said, "okay."
we named that adorable cat john calvin (after that french dude). here is a picture of my adorable cat's namesake.

my cat is as cuddly as ever when he's inside but is rowdy and vicious, not really vicious, but just rowdy, when he's outside. he doesn't really hurt me. well, hardly ever.

some people might think this is kind of gross. my brother, will, was letting the cat outside and the screen door banged shut on john calvin's tail. with a terrified, shrieking meow, john calvin was stuck. will opened the door to see if he was okay. but he wasn't. he ran upstairs and on the porch was a teeny little tip of his tail. it was like a little toupe on the porch.
here is a picture of a man wearing a toupe.

(what a sick look. he looks like a pastor i know.)