Friday, September 30, 2005

my book: a classic

my latest obsession is boston's great molasses flood. i plan to include a feature about it in my book.

My Book

i had a hard time finding a name for my book but the first disaster is going to be the great chicago fire.
the second disaster is the molasses flood, pictured above.

the third disaster, the final one, is, of course, the great titanic tragedy.

if i ever get my book published you guys should just read it. there are sad moments, happy moments, terrifying moments, moments of distress: it's going to be a terrific read. i hope it makes the best seller list.

i have a pen name. i don't want to tell you what it is. i dont' want to be stressed by people wanting my autograph.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

don't miss it don't even be late

last night i went to the friendship festival. it's like a fair or a carnival. almost every year they have different carnival companies running the rides. but this year it was the same people who came last year. there were a few different rides, though. i like go-carts and anything with cars, like bumper cars. last night i went on the bumper cars like fifteen times. i like it because you get to just smash into anybody and their cars. i 'd love to drive a real car but don't have my license yet. my parents say i have to be 18 years old to get my license.

the "zipper" is a little cage that twirls around and goes up and down. it makes me want to throw up.

when i was little i went to the fair and most of the rides made me sick. i felt nauseated and hot and dizzy. one time i got home i walked into my room and barfed all over the junk in my room. i'm glad i have parents to clean up my barf. i've never puked at the fair before. i think ben did before. one time i got sick and the next day i was eating a little bowl of cheese and i was watching a movie about cheese and mice and i put my hand over my mouth and nearly swallowed the barf but i ran to the bathroom and threw up on the floor. some of it came out my nose and it burned.

the food at the fair is great. there's all sorts of food. last night i had some lemonade that tasted like it didn't have any sugar in it. i ate something really cool. they were like curly fries. the lady put the potato in a machine that cut it into long curls. the man asked, "do you want cheese on that?" and i said, "sure!" so he did.

i won a lot of prizes as i do every year. i won a cool mardis gras mask for my nephew henry because he was bugging me about the mask that i won for myself. his is cooler than mine.

we had lots of fun. it was awesome. henry, will and i rode horses in a circle. there were two ponies and two horses.

when i came home i didn't barf, thank heavens, i watched "i love lucy," the one where she tells the truth (3rd season) for 24 hours in order to win a hundred dollars. ricky pays her anyway, even though she tells a fib.